Over the past 2 years I’ve had a lot of suppressed anger coming up within me. And I mean A LOT!

It started to cause pain in my body. I would get pain under my arms. Pain in my middle finger on my right hand, to the point where I couldn’t open jars.

When I tuned into my Body to find out where the pain was coming from, the answer was “ANGER”.

I had to let it out. I would put pen to paper and write it out. I’d get my boxing gloves on and smash the focus pads. I’d exercise. I’d talk about it and say “Fuck you” a lot. But still the anger kept coming.

My hands kept automatically moving into, what I now call, the “F-You mudra*”. Other names are “flip the bird”, “stick your finger up”, “give the finger” … I’m pretty sure you get what I’m saying.

So I trusted my body. I let my fingers move into this position. Thankfully my kids were at school as I let loose with a whole barrage of “fuck you”.

I want to point out that my expression of anger was not projected at anyone. I did not intend for my words to hurt anyone. I was simply letting the anger out of my body. I had too because it was hurting me on so many levels.

I learnt a long time ago that when I suppress anger I eventually suppress Joy and all those wonderful emotions I want to fill my life with.  Now anger and I are friends.

When anger comes up and out, Joy follows. Creativity and passion sparks to life. The Body’s innate vitality and wisdom starts to flow.

When I share this practice with others Joy and laughter always comes with it.  I believe there is a deep knowing that this hand gesture does really help the body to release stuck anger.

Maybe it was a yogic mudra that has been passed down through the ages but no longer used publicly as its considered offensive? I don’t ever remember seeing it in my textbook when studying yoga though. Wherever this hand gesture came from, it’s been a miracle worker for me!

I’ve watched it help me friends and even my 13 yr old son tap into more Joy.  So now I’m sharing it with you. This practice is not about being offensive or hurting anyone. It is about letting your anger out so you are no longer hurting yourself.

The practice is simple.

If you feel angry acknowledge it from a place of Love. Give it space to come up. Know that anger is not a “bad” emotion to feel or express.

It’s actually a powerful emotion that has the potential to create great change. We just need to learn how to harness it so we don’t create unnecessary pain and suffering for ourselves and others.

Set the intention that the anger will be released with harmlessness to all.

Sit with both hands in the F-You mudra and breathe.

If you feel like saying the words “Fuck you” then say them as many times as you want. Imagine this … instead of sitting in meditation position saying “Om, Om, Om …”, simply sit in meditation position saying “Fuck-You, Fuck you, Fuck you …”

This is your practice. Listen to what your Body needs. Trust in your intuition.

When the charge of anger is released, clarity can follow. Ask yourself what you need? Maybe you need to speak up about something that has been pissing you off. Maybe you need to put in place boundaries.

Or maybe you just need to let that old manky anger go so you can be FREE.

Just to let you know, the pain that I was experiencing in my body has now gone.  And so has that anger.  When the next round of anger comes up I’ll be ready with my F-You mudra. 😉


*Mudra is a Sankrit word that is a symbolic hand gesture that has the power to create joy and happiness (ref https://www.azulfit.com/hand-mudras-power-and-meaning/)

Photo by W A T A R I on Unsplash

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