Truth time.

Do you self-sabotage? Yep, I’m with you there. 

Does this sound familiar?

You set a desired goal and start taking action to make it happen.  Maybe it’s a weight loss goal, or a business venture or saving for a holiday.

You start out with the best of intentions.  You’re happy.  Feeling empowered.  And you feel like you’re going to succeed.

Yes!!  I’m doing so well!!

Then it all stops.  Inspiration stops.  Motivation stops.  The desired dream seems to vanish before your eyes.  You feel hopeless, like you’re a failure.  Self-criticism kicks in.  Those old habits (that you desperately wanted to let go of) take charge of your life yet again.

Basically, you feel like one big failure and you give up … until the next time you feel the urge to try again.

And the cycle continues.

Oh, Self-Sabotage, you really are a destroyer of dreams.

Or so I thought.

After years of believing self-sabotage was the bad guy (and destroyer of dreams), I now believe it to be a portal for positive transformation.

I believe that self-sabotage happens when your desired goals are not supported by your sub-conscious programs (stored in your sub-conscious mind).

And your sub-conscious mind is like a super computer that runs 95% of your daily life (reference Dr Bruce Lipton in his mind-blowing book “Biology of Belief”).

So if you have beliefs that say “I’m not good enough” or “I’m unworthy” or “I’m a bad person”, then your behaviours will match these beliefs.  And enter self-sabotage.

But, what if you started seeing self-sabotage as a message from your Body saying “Hey, there’s a program in here that doesn’t align with your desires.  You need to change it so you can succeed.”

From this self-aware point of view, you can start getting curious about where the behaviour is stemming from and start make positive transformation.

I’ve listed here some tips I use to help transform old self-sabotaging programs:

  1. Be self-aware. When you are aware you can create space to make a conscious choice.  You are no longer living mindlessly.
  2. Be curious. Ask yourself “where is this self-sabotage stemming from?”  Use a journal to record your findings.  Listen to your Body.  Set the intention to find out what sub-conscious programs are causing self-sabotage and transform them into Love.  Trust in the power of your intention.
  3. Forgive yourself for believing such negative things about yourself.  Self-Forgiveness helps to transform any old energy of shame that comes from these programs.  It helps to cultivate Self-Compassion and helps to transform the old programs.  This is a powerful practice.
  4. Create a new positive belief system about yourself and upload it.  Keep affirming it every day.  Every time you feel the old program running, transform it into Love and reaffirm the new program.  Remember there is great power in your words and intentions.
  5. Treat yourself with Compassion, especially when you find yourself lost in self-sabotage land.  Ask yourself “What do I need to feel supported in this moment?”  Love yourself.  Be kind.  Remember change takes time and you are doing your best in every moment.
  6. Don’t criticise yourself.  You don’t deserve to be spoken to harshly.  Celebrate that you are trying to make change.  Speak with kindness and encouragement.  Keep moving forward.  Hold hope in your heart.  Know that you have the Power to succeed!
  7. Do you need some extra support from family, friends or a professional?  Asking for help is not a weakness.  It takes courage to create change, and even more courage to be vulnerable and ask for help.  You don’t have to do this alone.

And please remember this …

You are worthy of success.  You do deserve to reach your desired goals.  You are an amazing human being that has the power to create great change in your life. 

It’s time to upgrade your Body with programs that are aligned with your desires and Soul-Truth.  The old negative programs are no longer needed.

Become friends with your self-sabotage and let it guide you into your Body so you can create positive transformation from the inside out.  Live your Soul-Truth.  Embrace all of you with Love.  You really do deserve it!

I wish for you great success for all your desired goals.


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