What does Self-Love look like for me?

Many years ago I asked myself this question.  As I contemplated these words I started to cry.  There was no response.  I did not have an answer.  I realised I did not know what it felt like to Love myself.

But in that moment of acknowledgement I had a spark of awakening.  

My Body responded to this question with “I’m not sure. I’m just really happy you are asking the question.  This in itself is an act of Self-Love.”

This simple yet powerful response gave me hope.

Sitting here today, I am so deeply grateful for my commitment to cultivate Self-Love.  For choosing to love me.

So now when I ask myself “What does Self-Love look like for me?” my list is a long one.

Today, I will give you a short version.  It looks like this …

Self-Compassion.   Embracing all of me with Love, especially those bits I’ve pushed away in shame.  Embracing my shame.  Treating myself with kindness.  Being curious about my negative thoughts, and using them for positive transformation (rather than shaming myself for thinking them).

Forgiving myself when I screw up.  Taking responsibility for myself.   

Asking my Body what it needs to feel nourished.  Getting help from psychologists.  Being vulnerable.  Putting in place boundaries.  Speaking up.  Honouring myself.

Making my health and wellbeing a priority.

I even realised that emotional eating was an act of Self-Love.  For years I attacked myself for it.  So much guilt.  But I realised it was a coping strategy, helping me to avoid suppressed emotions that I wasn’t ready to face.  I no longer get angry at myself for eating a big bowl of chips.  And interestingly, the more I treat myself with Love and Compassion, the less this strategy is needed.

I seriously could go on and on with this list, but I won’t.

I love the relationship I now have with myself and my Body.  I love the relationship’s I have with others.  I feel empowered.  I’m no longer living off what other people believe of me – this is not life sustaining at all.

I now choose to I live from my own Soul-Truth.  My own inner-essence.

This is what BodyMastery is for me.  Being the authority of my Life.  Living life authentically, from my Soul-Truth.  Loving myself, even when I get it wrong.  Embracing my whole Body with Love.  Knowing that I have the Power to create change from the inside out.

The more I open my heart to myself and let Love flow, the more I have to give to others.

I’ve really noticed this as a mum.  The more I treat myself with love and compassion, and meet my needs, the more compassionate I have become towards my boys (and others).  I’m amazed at how my mothering has changed over the years.  It’s quite miraculous really.

Self-Love.  Two little words that have brought me back to life.  So deeply grateful for choosing to walk back into me.  So deeply grateful for my Body.

This is my story of Self-Love.  Do you have a story to tell?

What does Self-Love look like for you?

With Love


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