I love the whole body positive movement.  Cultivating a loving compassionate relationship with our Body.  Changing the way we are treating our Body.  Embracing our Body with Love.  

We truly are changing the way the Human Body is evolving.

One thing I notice on social media is an emphasis on teaching our “daughters” how to love their Body.  And I absolutely agree!!
But I want to see the words “daughters and sons” used too, or maybe, simply “our children”.

Being a mum of two boys, I think it’s just as important to teach our sons to Love their Body and to treat themselves with Compassion.

As they grow, they need to know that it’s OK to feel sad, that it’s OK to cry, that making a mistake does not make them a bad person, that being vulnerable is not a weakness.

They need to know that their health and wellbeing is a priority, and “sucking it up” is not the only answer.  They need to know that their Body is important and Self-Love is for everyone.

And yes, all daughter’s need to know this too.

If we can teach our children to treat themselves with Love and Compassion, imagine how empowered they will be as they grow.  
Remember, our children learn from us.

If they watch us beating up on ourselves or hating our bodies, they most likely will follow the same path.

Choose to love your Body. Choose to treat yourself with Compassion.
Choose to change the “body-negative” programs we’ve been taught, so we don’t pass them onto our children.

They need us to start making positive change so we can help create a new world for them.


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