Have you ever wondered why you find yourself judging another from a place of jealousy? Deep down do you feel ashamed of your jealous judgements?

Just so you know, you are not alone if you do. Believe me. I go into mortified shame when I judge in a jealous or negative way.

Speaking from my own experience, I have found I behave this way because there are belief systems in me that say “I’m not worthy. I’m undeserving. I’m inadequate. And I’m a bad person.”

So when I see another doing the things I yearn to do, and I feel inadequate, or I feel like I’m not good enough, I can fall into the jealous judgemental behaviour.

I do not like it when I behave this way. I experience deep shame within me, and I end up self-attacking and judging myself. Then I feel like the worst person in the world and those programs of feeling unworthy, undeserving and I’m bad person become truer than ever. And so the cycle begins again.

Thankfully I now know that my behaviours stem from those old false conditioned belief systems (programs) and I have the power to change them.

So when I become aware of me judging another, instead of going into shame and self-attack, I forgive myself and choose to change the programs.

I forgive myself for projecting judgements onto another. I forgive myself for believing I am an unworthy, undeserving, inadequate bad person. And I forgive myself for judging and attacking myself.

Through the miracle of Self-Forgiveness and the power of my intention, the negative energy created by the programs and behaviours are transformed into Love.

I then choose to upgrade my Body with my Soul-Programs that say “I’m worthy and deserving of love, success and all things that are aligned with my desires and Soul-Truth” and “I am a loving, compassionate and authentic person.” (Or whatever affirmation feels Truth for me at the time.)

To be honest, I believe these Soul-Programs are already within us all. It’s just a matter of choosing to give your Body an upgrade and start using them.

So the next time you find yourself in that space of jealous, judgemental behaviour, take a moment. Be compassionate towards yourself.  And be curious – ask yourself where the behaviour is stemming from. You might just find an old program that has been sabotaging your desires, goals and Soul-Truth.

And from this space of Self-Awareness you can choose to forgive yourself and choose to give yourself an upgrade so your belief systems are aligned with your Soul-Truth.

Then use the energy of your Jealousy (a normal human emotion) to fuel your passions and actions in a positive way. Jealousy is simply letting you know that you want it too. And you are so worthy of it … whatever “it” looks like for you.

Also, find a way to celebrate the person you were jealous of (if it feels truth for you). Whether it be a private moment of sending them positive vibes or maybe liking a post on social media. Your choice – whatever feels Truth in your Heart.

And remember, we are all on our own unique journey. Different goals. Different experiences. Different paths. Different timelines. Different lives. When we honour ourselves and each other we create an environment that allows us all to thrive individually and in community.

Keep committing to live your Soul-Truth. Believe in yourself and know you are worthy and so capable. Let yourself be inspired by others … their gift maybe just what you need to move forward. Honour yourself and celebrate each step you take.

You have the power to succeed in whatever goal you are working towards.

And always be kind to yourself. You really do deserve it!


Photo by Georgi Petrov on Unsplash

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