Your Body is super intelligent.  It knows what it needs to be happy and healthy, and for you to live authentically.

When you commit to listening to what your Body truly needs you open up the communication pathways to your Soul-Truth.  You will start to become aware of your behaviours (thoughts, actions, impulses, words etc) which will give you space to make conscious choice, instead of being controlled by unconscious impulse.

I’ll give you an example.

You’re standing in line at the checkout.  You see a chocolate bar on the “impulse buy” shelf.  Without even thinking you reach for it, buy it and eat it before you’ve left the shops.  You can’t remember what it tasted like or if you enjoyed it.  All you know is, you now feel guilty for eating it and proceed to berate yourself for the rest of the afternoon.

Enter Self-Awareness and commitment to listen to what your Body truly needs.

When you become aware of this behaviour and you set the intention to question this behaviour, you create space within the moment to check-in.  Instead of reaching, buying and eating on an unconscious impulse, you experience the impulse to get the chocolate with awareness.

You then take a moment to ask yourself the question “Is it my Soul-Truth to eat this chocolate?”  and listen for the answer.  It may be a knowing.  Or you may get a clear “Yes”.

Or you may feel like having a tantrum at the checkout because your Body is saying “No”.  Yes, sometimes asking your Body the “Soul-Truth” question can really suck!!  But in the end it’s worth it.

Now it’s up to you whether you listen or not.

If you do decide to buy the chocolate choose to eat it consciously.

Take it home.  Make a cup of tea (or whatever your preferred beverage is).  Sit down in your favourite spot and eat the chocolate with full awareness.  See it.  Taste it.  Feel it in your mouth.  Love every minute of it.  And after you’ve eaten, feel gratitude for this moment and for allowing yourself to enjoy this treat.

Now, if you catch yourself feeling guilty or getting mad with yourself for eating the chocolate, simply forgive yourself for speaking/feeling this way towards yourself and remind yourself how much you enjoyed the chocolate.

See how this way of treating yourself is filled with Love and Compassion. You’re not beating up on yourself. You are listening to your needs. And your Body is happy – every single cell that is you!!

And the great news is you can use this practice for anything.

What do you need to eat? How do you need to move? What do you need to wear?  Do I need to see a GP or Naturopath?  And the list goes on …

Your Body knows.  All you need to do is take a moment to ask and listen.  The more you do it, the easier it is, and the more empowered you will feel.

Choose to Love yourself.  Choose to treat yourself with Compassion.  Choose to meet your needs.

Live your Soul-Truth.  Every day.  Live life authentically.


Photo by Etienne Boulanger on Unsplash

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