When you’re struggling to move forward with your Dreams and Soul-Purpose. When you feel like you’re being dragged down by other people’s beliefs. Please remember this …

You know who you are, even if it doesn’t feel like it right now. You know your Heart and where you are coming from.

Your Truth is inside of you. Your Soul-Truth. Let this inner-wisdom guide you. Remember, you have the Power to choose your life. You have the POWER!

Don’t let what other people believe of you control your choices. Don’t let the societal beliefs stop you from creating your Soul-Purpose and succeeding! Break free from conformity. It is time for change. It is needed!

Use your voice. Speak up. Have courage. Stand in your Power. Take a step – no matter how small or big – simply take it. Yes it’s scary, but so damn worth it.

It is time for Peace on this planet. And it starts within you. Your passion and purpose is contributing. Keep moving forward. Take time to be still. Embrace your Body with Love. Choose to listen to your Soul-Truth. And do what makes your Heart sing! Yes. You can do this!

Believe in you.

Please share with anyone you know who is struggling with moving forward with what makes their Heart sing.

Wishing you a beautiful day.


Photo by Yeshi Kangrang on Unsplash

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